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Family Planning and Contraception Methods

Family Planning and Contraception Methods

In Gynecology Conferences 2023 we have the Session about family planning enables people to have the number of children, if any, and pregnancy spacing that they wish. In Gynecology Conferences 2023,it is achieved with the use of infertility therapies and contraceptive methods.It is crucial for everyone's health and human rights to have access to contraceptive information and services. Preventing unintended pregnancies contributes to a decrease in maternal diseases and the number of pregnancy-related deaths. In Gynecology Conferences 2023, family planning has significant health advantages, including preventing pregnancies in older women who are also at higher risk and postponing pregnancies in young girls who are more likely to have health issuesfrom early childbirth.By reducing the number of unintended pregnancies,contraception reduces the need for risky abortions and HIV transmission frommothers to newborns.

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